Nord-Lock combi bolt washers – now always in stock 28 June 2018

Have you ever worried about dropping a washer during an installation? Now, with Nord-Lock combi bolt washers, users don’t need to worry as the combi bolt washers stay fixed to the bolt – reducing human error and improving assembly efficiency, accuracy and safety.

The Nord-Lock combi bolt washers are wedge-locking washers designed to be permanently attached to a bolt. Nord-Lock has a standard range in stock so that users can place an order quickly and easily. Loose parts damaging or shutting down assembly lines during manufacturing or maintenance can be very costly, especially in areas such as pharmaceutical production or nuclear power plants. With combi bolt washers, users know parts are safely secured and correctly assembled.

Standard range – ready to order
The standard range consists of combi bolt washers compatible with steel M5 – M12 bolts. “Many customers have asked for bolts with captive washers. We have previously offered this as a special item. By creating a standard range we reduce time and cost for our customers when implementing this solution,” says Lars Christensson, business development director of Nord-Lock Group.

Nord-Lock Group is renowned around the world for its original wedge-locking washers that secure bolts using tension instead of friction. Combi bolt washers offer new standards of safety and security including faster product assembly, less failures due to human error or incorrect mounting, and faster and easier assembly, which is helpful in confined spaces and hard to reach areas.


Claire Aldridge Editor t: +44 (0) 1727 743 889


Having spent a decade in the fastener industry experiencing every facet – from steel mills, fastener manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, as well as machinery builders and plating + coating companies, Claire has developed an in-depth knowledge of all things fasteners.

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