Developed for medical device applications, Master Bond’s EP21LSCL-2Med is a two component non-cytotoxic epoxy for bonding, sealing, coating and potting. Equipped with a high resistance to yellowing, this compound is especially suited when optical clarity is required.
While most epoxies yellow over time, especially when they are exposed to heat and intense UV light, EP21LSCL-2Med has been designed to resist yellowing to a greater extent than conventional systems. This unique feature makes the epoxy ideal for imaging applications or other medical devices where optical clarity is needed.
Offering a refractive index of 1.57, the epoxy has a high glass transition temperature of 110°C – 120°C and a service temperature range of -52°C to 177°C.
In addition, the EP21LSCL-2Med has a 100:20 mix ratio by weight as well as a low mixed viscosity of 600 cps – 900 cps at room temperature. A moderate heat cured epoxy, the product also features a long gel time of 6 – 8 hours at room temperature and will cure
at room temperature, followed by a post cure of 3 – 5 hours at 60°C – 80°C.
EP21LSCL-2Med adheres well to many substrates including but not limited to metals, composites, glass, ceramics and plastics, offering a tensile strength of 8,000 psi – 9,000 psi alongside a tensile modulus of 325,000 psi – 375,000 psi. This system can also resist various sterilisation methods such as steam sterilisation, liquid sterilants, anti-bacterial agents and Ethylene Oxide.
Shelf life of the EP21LSCL-2Med is six months in its original, unopened containers and is available in kits ranging from ½ pints to 5 gallon pails, as well as speciality packaging in pre-mixed and frozen syringes requiring storage at -40°C.
Becca is the latest member to join our team and is eager to get stuck into the world of fasteners. She brings an enthusiastic and fresh outlook on what we do editorially and will be leading our social media activity – including sourcing material, editing articles and posting online.
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