Booming trend in fastener and fixing packaging 20 March 2019

By Maris Rumba, business development manager, Kronus SIA

There is a boom in products moving from Asia to Europe for the fastener industry, which has resulted in an increase in problems moving goods through these channels. The goal therefore, as it is in any supply chain, is to deliver goods in pristine condition – quickly and with less costs.

It is imperative that goods arrive in top condition and that losses are minimalised, not only because of the financial implications but also to build strong business relationships between EU and Asian partners.

Making sure that your business is building the right reputation starts by ensuring your goods arrive to retailers and end users in the best condition and delivered on the time schedule as promised.

The problems when conveying goods from Asia to Europe
Hands down one of the riskiest times for losses is during transportation. Most would guess that damages and losses are directly linked to rough handling during transportation. While rough handling is a contributing factor, loss and damages are more connected to the type of packaging that is used.

The right packaging is vital to the safety and security of products and of course it can help to prevent the damages rough handling during transportation can cause. Packaging is paramount not only for protection but to make the transition through customs easier. The EU has uniform standards for packaging that Asia does not have, which can be a big problem for Asian companies wanting to send products to Europe.

Local packaging options
Many Asian manufacturers find themselves dealing with packaging issues when they make the choice to use a local packaging supplier to bring their products into the EU. One of the European Union’s uniform standards is the phytosanitary standard. Wooden packaging in the EU must be certified phytosanitary, if it is not, it will not be permitted through customs.

In most cases local packaging options that satisfy Asian requirements are not the best option for doing business with partners in the EU. What happens is that a business must absorb the losses when they find out the packaging they use is not approved for the EU. Not only is a business/producer tasked with having to get their goods to the EU without being damaged, but you also must make sure the packaging is not going to stall your load at customs.

Avoiding the problems
To mitigate the risk of disappointing European partners, damaging your goods during transportation and other risks, Euro pallets with collars are the solution. Euro pallets (EPALs) are the standardised packaging option throughout the European Union. They tick off the regulatory list nicely. EPALs are the solution for conveying goods from Asia to Europe with less stress and worry.

Adding pallet collars to a certified EPAL creates a box that allows you the flexibility to increase or decrease the size of the container. This is especially helpful when shipping smaller parts such as fasteners.

The benefits of EPALs with pallet collars
Of course, the primary benefit of having EU approved packaging is that moving goods from Asia to Europe is simplified but that is not all. Using pallet collars with EPALs also includes the following benefits:

  • Meeting international standard on phytosanitary measures ISPM15.
  • Flexibility in packaging can save costs.
  • Approximate 10 year service life.
  • Recyclable, reusable.
  • High stacking capacity and load capacity.
  • Easier storage of packaging goods.
  • Keeping unauthorised users out.

Shipping goods from Asia to Europe can be cheaper if you have the right packaging. Pallets outfitted with collars can create boxes of different depths, which means you do not have to pay to ship air in smaller loads. This reusable packing option can cut 32% of expenses. Participating in a ‘buy and sell back’ service can cut costs dramatically.

A wooden package is also more difficult to tamper with. Keeping unauthorised users out is easy with this combination packaging. It is also a cost saver.

They are durable, long-lasting and can be reinserted into the supply chain repeatedly and can be the ideal solution for delivering on your business promises.

Learning more about packing options starts with turning to a trusted source that specialises in EU approved packaging. Kronus is a reliable source that can give you the ins and outs of EU packaging requirements.

Find Kronus at Fastener Fair Stuttgart on Stand 5.3002