Battle skill shortages and increase productivity 28 March 2019

Over the past 12 months, the UK manufacturing industry has faced an array of challenges, both globally and domestically. However, arguably the biggest operational challenge that UK manufacturers face is the growing skills gap within the industry. According to recent research by the British Chamber of Commerce (BCC), 81% of manufacturers and 70% of service sector firms reported difficulties in finding skilled staff to complete everyday manufacturing tasks.

The question is how can manufacturers withstand the ongoing uncertainty and best prepare for the future? The answer is through greater manufacturing and warehouse automation.

By using a combination of OrderWise Manufacturing and OrderWise mobile WMS devices, businesses can streamline all aspects of their manufacturing operation. These systems offer complete BOM management, tools to handle multiple options, revisions, sub‑contracted processes, record batch/serial traceability, labour costs, by-products and much more.

When combined with the cutting edge barcode scanning technology of OrderWise mobile WMS devices, businesses can further benefit from fast, accurate and paperless management of component picking and works order processes. By using these devices alongside OrderWise Manufacturing, businesses can rest assured their processes are more streamlined, removing the complexity of the operation for less skilled workers whilst also getting greater productivity from existing staff.

Structured management of manufacturing quality control
For manufacturing businesses it is often important to have procedures in place to carefully review different stages of the product building process, in order to maintain quality and control throughout. When a new manufactured product is being launched, a build process is being amended or bespoke work is being done, there may also be the desire for an additional revision check in order to add greater structure over quality management.

To aid with this, OrderWise has seen new functionality added recently for a Bill of Materials (BOM) approval workflow. When using this new approval process, manufactured revisions can have three different approval statuses; draft, approved and archived. This allows revisions for bespoke and regulated products to be thoroughly checked before being committed to works orders, whilst also ensuring costs are accounted for correctly, and accurate margins are achieved.


Claire Aldridge Editor t: +44 (0) 1727 743 889


Having spent a decade in the fastener industry experiencing every facet – from steel mills, fastener manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, as well as machinery builders and plating + coating companies, Claire has developed an in-depth knowledge of all things fasteners.

Alongside visiting numerous companies, exhibitions and conferences around the world, Claire has also interviewed high profile figures – focusing on key topics impacting the sector and making sure readers stay up to date with the latest developments within the industry.