There are certain topics within the fastener sector that, as a magazine, we can always guarantee will elicit a response from an interviewee or company, for instance anti-dumping, freight prices and delivery, as well as raw material prices. As our special Fastener Distribution feature in this edition underlines, CBAM can certainly be added to this list.
The fastener sector has seemingly faced geopolitical issues almost every year since Covid-19, and it seems that for 2024 the challenge fastener distributors are facing is how they handle the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation, which is requiring a lot of time and effort to not only understand the regulation, but ensure the right data and information is being collected.
Nearly every article within the Fastener Distribution feature discusses CBAM, with each business outlining how they are tackling the topic, as well as some of the issues they are facing. The phrase ‘misery loves company’ might be a little strong, but the feature is certainly worth a read for those businesses that would like to see how other companies are approaching the topic.
The feature also does highlight some positive developments within the sector as well, including warehouse extensions, automated warehouses, and new warehouses located outside Europe, as well as new product lines, new services, plus investments in automation, digitisation, sustainability and storage capacity – emphasising that even in the current slow market, businesses are still planning for growth.
The Fastener Distribution feature also includes an article from the European Fastener Distributor Association (EFDA) that concentrates on CBAM and how the association is looking to support members during the transition phase, as well as insights from national associations, including Fachverband des Schrauben-Großhandels (FDS) of Germany, Unione Distributori Italiani Bulloneria (UDIB) of Italy, PRISMEFIX – Association des Distributeurs Français Specialistes en Elements de Fixations of France, Asociación de Distribuidores Españoles de Fijaciones (ADEFI) of Spain, the British and Irish Association of Fastener Distributors – BIAFD, as well as the Dutch association NEVIB.
Another leading business within the fastener distribution sector is Fastbolt Group, with the company the focus of our Cover Story. Managing Director Ekkehard Beermann explains how the business is preparing to be one of the first in the world to pilot an automated compact storage system in order to further strengthen the supply chain for distributors in Europe.
As always there are a host of other insights, articles and new developments throughout the magazine, so please do make sure you give every section a read to keep yourself better informed about what is happening within the fastener and fixing sector.
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