During the annual general meeting of UDIB (Unione Distributori Italiani Bulloneria) in Palazzo Maccaferri in Bologna, Gian Marco Dalpane was unanimously elected as the Association's new President. The term of office is three years. Dalpane succeeds Riccardo Bonalumi, who did not stand for another term.
Gian Marco Dalpane is managing director and owner of the company La Bulloneria Emiliana Srl based in the province of Modena. He previously served as UDIB president from 2012 to 2021. Dalpane is also vice-president of the European Fastener Distributor Association (EFDA), of which UDIB is a member.
This is his statement after the election: ‘I am extremely proud to be able to represent UDIB for the next three years. I will endeavour to do my utmost to ensure security and cooperation for our members at this time of serious economic and legislative uncertainty. At the same time, I will try to maintain a high-level of cooperation with the European organisation EFDA, which represents us so well in Brussels."
Having spent a decade in the fastener industry experiencing every facet – from steel mills, fastener manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, as well as machinery builders and plating + coating companies, Claire has developed an in-depth knowledge of all things fasteners.
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